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July/August 2023 Newsletter

Clubhouse Corner

In the next few weeks, Bellasera will be launching its NEW Website and although some things have changed, we think it is very easy to use. You will find all of the same information you are used to plus a whole lot more. You will be able to join clubs and receive emails from the groups that interest you. You will not be bothered by information in which you have no interest.

There will be a page describing all of the amenities Bellasera offers. You will be able to link to Quick Pass, sign-up for pickleball/ tennis courts, and pay your association dues online. In addition, you can sign up for events and you will receive a confirmation email and a reminder email before the actual event. The event host will receive a list with all homeowners who registered. The access to the new website will be the same as before

We will send out an email once the new site is launched. If you need help, the Communication Committee will offer a training class held in the Clubhouse on August 12 at 1:00 PM.

Updated Directory

Over the past few months, the Communication Committee, along with assistance from others, has been updating the Bellasera directory. Make sure to click on the Resource tab on the new website and check to make sure your information is correct. Everyone can have their own phone number and email listed in the directory.

If there are edits or you prefer not to have your information printed, please email

Community Events Board and Committee meeting dates -

listed alphabetically

Board of Directors will meet on Wednesday, July 19 and Thursday, August 24. Both meet- ings begin at 1:00 p.m.

Budget & Finance Committee will meet on Tuesday, July 25 and Tuesday, August 23. Both meetings begin at 1:00 p.m. in the clubhouse.

Building & Grounds Committee will meet on Tuesday, July 11 and Tuesday, August 22. Both meetings begin at 10:00 a.m.

Communications Committee will meet on Wednesday, July 12 at 8:30 a.m.

Modifications Committee will meet on Tuesday, July 11 if there are applications to consider. Applications must be received in the Community Manager’s office no later than July 6 at 12 noon.

Social Committee will meet on Friday, August 18 at 2:30 p.m.

Bellasera Community Events

Book Club: Our members are looking forward to a summer of pleasurable reading so we will pick our own books and share them with the group in October.

Yoga: Bellasera yoga instructor Joy continues to offer Zoom classes, in addition to the clubhouse sessions Monday & Thursday at 8:30 a.m. You may contact her via e-mail,

Wine and Cheese Event: Due to summer vacations and such, we will not be having a Wine and Cheese Event in either July or August. Hope to see you all again in September. If anyone is interesting in hosting this event in September, please contact Tom or Dianna Saari, or

Water Aerobics will be discontinued for the summer, and will resume in the Fall.

Morning Social Hour at the Club House - Tuesday July 18 at 10am, Bring a neigh- bor to the clubhouse and enjoy a beverage and breakfast treat.

Game Night at the Club House. Wednesday, August 9 at 7pm.

Hang out with your Summer Neighbors at the Pool on Thursday, August 10 at 7pm.

Morning Social Hour at the Club House - Tuesday, August 15 at 10am, Bring a neighbor to the clubhouse and enjoy a beverage and breakfast treat.

Starting in September: Learn how to play Mahjong and Canasta at the Club house.

Pickleball – Summer Hours 7:00 - 9:00am Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 7:00 – 8:30am Friday 7:00 – 9:00am Tuesday and Thursday 7:30 – 9:00am Wednesday Drop in mixed intermediate Drop in social pickleball Drop in Novice group Drop in Women’s Intermediate Contact: Dan Martin - 480-734-0387 - or Jane Kiefhaber - 224- 388-8916 -

Bellasera Policies

Leasing: Dwelling units may be leased only in their entirety. No fraction or portion may be leased. No structure on a Lot other than the primary residential dwelling unit shall be leased or otherwise occupied for residential purposes. There shall be no subleasing or assignment of leases without prior written consent of the Board of Directors. No transient tenants will be permitted, and all leases shall be for an initial term of no less than 30 days. Notice of any lease shall be provided to the Board by the Homeowner within 10 days of execution of the lease. The Homeowner must make available to the lessee copies of the CC&Rs, Bylaws and Use Restrictions. A LEASE CERTIFICATION CERTIFICATE MUST BE COMPLETED, SIGNED BY THE HOMEOWNER AND RETURNED TO THE ASSOCIATION PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE LEASE.

Trash: Trash and recycling containers may not be stored in the front area of any home and shall be placed in the pick up area no earlier than 5:00PM the day prior to pick up and removed no later than 11:59PM the day of pick up. Bulk trash shall be placed in the trash pickup area no earlier than three days prior to the designated beginning day of the week specified for bulk pickup by the City of Scottsdale. Bulk trash pickup dates are published in the monthly newsletter. See for more information, including monthly bulk trash pickup and special hazardous waste pickup scheduling.

Social Events Committee

Survey Results Thank you to all of the homeowners that completed the June 2023 Bellasera Survey. We had an outstanding response and the social committee would like to share the highlights with you. Additional details can be found in the new website which will be available soon. We learned that 90% of the homeowners that responded prefer to receive their communica- tions through email.

There was an overwhelming response to the following. Please mark your calendars. We are in the process of creating committees to host the following events:

October 15, 2023 25th Anniversary Party

January 1, 2004 New Year’s Day Brunch

February 11, 2024 Superbowl Party

May 4, 2024 Cinco De Mayo Party Watch for the new website for more information on these activities.

Contact if you would like to lead a group. We also learned that a number of homeowners would like to learn how to play Mahjong and Canasta. Classes will be starting in September and offered again later in the year. Check out the new website for more information.

We are also in the process of finding speakers. If you are interested or know of someone that would like to present, please send information to

We received a number of suggestions regarding activities on the lawn area/pool

• outside music and movies on the wall • outdoor patio games • food trucks

We are in the process of looking into all of these things. If you are interested in helping out, please send a message to

You will be able to find more information on the following groups in the new website

• Wine & Cheese • Book Club • Hiking Club • Water Aerobics

• Lunches • Movie Group • Game Nights • Pickleball Club.

We also have a number of individuals looking into community services such as blood drives and charitable causes to collect/donate to an organization(s)

Many homeowners are looking for events in the evening and on weekends. We are in the process of accommodating this. We also want to welcome the whole community to all of our events. Please let us know if you are interested in helping plan an event, we welcome your support.


Save the Date Your Board of Directors invites you to BELLASERA’S 25TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Sunday, October 15, 2023 3-6 p.m. In the Clubhouse


Bellasera Classifieds

Bellasera Residents: The Kiwanis Club of Carefree can pick up your unwanted furniture, clothing and household goods. All items will be sold in our Marketplace resale store in Cave Creek. Proceeds go to support kids in our local school district. Contributions may be tax deductible and a receipt will be pro- vided. Call 480-488-8400, for information and to schedule an appointment. Thanks for your support.

“A quick way to update your home is with new window coverings. I offer Hunter Douglas products, custom wood shutters, custom draperies and outdoor shades. Because you are my Bellasera neighbor, I’m offering a 25% discouint on muy already low prices. Let me know if I can assist you with updating your home. Mike Alldredge - Array Shutters and Blinds - 602-622-7575

I love living in Bellasera! The market is still on fire. We are seeing record prices per square foot in Bel- lasera with very favorable terms for sellers. Does your house need some work prior to sale? We have a program called REALVITALIZE. If you are interested in selling or just want an idea of what your home is worth, please contact me. Audrey Fischer, Realtor – Coldwell Banker Realty, 480-740-4223, audrey.

Introducing Desert Dwellers Home Watching Services exclusively serving Bellasera residents. Desert Dwellers is owned and operated by year-round Bellasera residents Jennifer Brummet and Ross Stroze- wski. We are dedicated to ensuring our neighbors have access to reliable and trustworthy home monitoring while away from their desert dwelling. For a complete list of services and to schedule a complimentary assessment contact us at 480-634-1452 or e-mail,

The market is beginning to shift again, and the good news is that Bellasera and our surrounding 85266 area is balanced and holding steady. If you are considering selling, now might be a good time. Contact me for a free market assessment: Sandy Simmons, Realtor – Berkshire Hathaway, 310-405-1403 or I also specialize in 1031 exchanges and can customize a tax friendly 1031 Exchange tailored to your specific needs.

Arizona Real Estate - it’s all the buzz.. I know you’ve heard the market has shifted, however it’s not dead. My quarterly market updates created specifically for Bellasera show that our community is still in demand. As we head into our high season, if you have pondered the thought about selling, now would be a great time. Contact me today for a free market assessment: Regina Alvarez, Realtor: My Home Group 480-334-1750 or

All new or renewal classified ads must be 75 words or less. Ads will run for 3 months and may be renewed upon request. Editor reserves the right to edit all ads submitted. Send yours to :


©2023 by Bellasera Community Association.


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